PixelSky module

class PixelSky.PixelTools

Bases: object

downgrade_pixels(Nside_low, Nside_high, ID)

Function to be used for testing purposes It accomplish the same task than spread_pixels, but with a less efficient, brute force method.

spread_pixels(Nside_low, Nside_high, ID, order='nest')

returns a list of pixel IDs in the Nside_high resolution from a pixel ID in the Nside_low resolution.

class PixelSky.SkyMap(nside=256, ordering='ring', frame='equatorial')

Bases: object

class SkyMap: utils to work with healpix pixelized maps.

load: loads a CMB map
hp = <module 'healpy' from '/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/cbr-crosscorr/envs/latest/lib/python3.7/site-packages/healpy/__init__.py'>
load(filename, *args, **kwargs)

Reads the CMB map

filename (str): the file name of the map to be read


readmap: a healpix map, class ?