
This software offers tools to compute the stacked temperature profile around a set of selected centers.

A complete experiment can be run with the following interactive code:

>>> import cmfg
>>> from Parser import Parser
>>> from sys import argv
>>> import pickle
>>> config = Parser('config.ini')
>>> X = cmfg.profile2d(config)
>>> X.load_centers()
>>> X.select_subsample_centers()
>>> X.load_tracers()
>>> res =

or, alternatively, from the command line with:

where the file settings.ini contains the code indicated before, and the settings.ini file contains the settings for the experiment.

In what follows, we explain the details of both the code and the settings.

Minimal example code

Utilities to compute the profile are contained in the following modules:

We also provide example codes:

  • for running an experiment:
  • for visualizing the results of an experiment:

Step by step description

First, we need to load the settings from a configuration file:

>>> from Parser import Parser
>>> config = Parser('config.ini')

Parameters can also be changed using the function Parse.load_config(). For more details on loading or changing the parameters, see Parsing.

We first need to instantiate an object of the class cmfg.profile2d. The initialization requires a configuration object as argument.

>>> import cmfg
>>> X = cmfg.profile2d(config)

An object like this inherits the methods of the class, which include:

  • cmfg.profile2d.load_centers()
  • cmfg.profile2d.select_subsample_centers()
  • cmfg.profile2d.load_tracers()

First, we need to load the centers and select a subsample, if needed:

>>> X.load_centers()
>>> X.select_subsample_centers()

We also need to load the temperature map. In this case the pixels are the “tracers” since the profile is equivalent to a cross correlation.

>>> X.load_tracers()

Finally, the experiment can be run with the method:

>>> res =

In this example, res is a list that contains:

  1. A list of arrays containing the sum of temperatures, each array correspond to one center
  2. A list of arrays containing the total number of pixels contributing to the sum of temperatures, each array correspond to one center