********* API Usage ********* - instalation through pypy not yet implemented - make setup.py installer - from a python script, call import PixelSky This project is organized as an API to be used from a python prompt. Steps: - Complete the configuration of the experiment - All the settings of the experimets are parsed from the configuration files using configparser. Prerequisites ============= * Put data files on the ``dat`` directory. * Complete the names of the data files in the configuration file Data ==== Data is stored in the *dat* directory. ========================================= ================================================= filename contents ========================================= ================================================= 2mrs_1175_done.dat CMB temperature map COM_CMB_IQU-smica_2048_R3.00_full.fits CMB temperature map lensmap512_10arcmin_y2.fits* CMB lensing map lensmask512_10arcmin_y2.fits* CMB lensing mask map ========================================= ================================================= Configuration files =================== .. code-block:: [DEFAULT] [maps] # CMB MAPS datadir_cmb = ../dat/ filedata_cmb_nside = 512 filedata_cmb_mapa = lensmap512_10arcmin_y2.fits filedata_field_mapa = 0 # masks filedata_cmb_mask = lensmask512_10arcmin_y2.fits filedata_field_mask = 0 [cats] # CATALOGUES datadir_glx = ../dat/ filedata_glx = 2mrs_1175_done.dat [run] # CONFIGURATIONS FOR EXPERIMENT AND COMPUTATIONS # to be passed to joblib n_jobs = 2 # breaks for radial profile rp_n_bins = 10 rp_start = 0. rp_stop = 100. # breaks for correlation corr_n_bins = 77 corr_start = -1. corr_stop = 1. # MonteCarlo for correlation Nran = 1000 Nexperiments = 10 [out] # OUTPUT SETTINGS save_pickle = True output_dir = ../out/ pickle_name_root = rp_run_ pickle_name_exp = nobjs15_ pickle_name_idx = 01 Interactive usage ================= For a simple test, go to cmfg and run: .. code-block:: $ python run_profile.py ../set/config_small.ini Run experiments at IATE ======================= In order to use the `HPC services at IATE `_ the following steps shoul be followed: 1. log in into a cluster (e.g., ``ssh clemente``) 2. git clone or pull the `CBR_correlation `_ project. 3. prepare a SLURM script (src/submit_python_jobs.sh) 4. launch the script: ``sbatch submit_python_jobs.sh`` SLURM script example for *clemente* running python in parallel: .. code-block:: #!/bin/bash # SLURM script for: CLEMENTE ## Las lĂ­neas #SBATCH configuran los recursos de la tarea ## (aunque parezcan estar comentadas) # More info: # http://homeowmorphism.com/articles/17/Python-Slurm-Cluster-Five-Minutes ## Nombre de la tarea #SBATCH --job-name=CMB_corr ## Cola de trabajos a la cual enviar. #SBATCH --partition=small ## tasks requested #SBATCH --ntasks=1 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=20 ## STDOUT #SBATCH -o submit_python_jobs.out ## STDOUT #SBATCH -e submit_python_jobs.err ## Tiempo de ejecucion. Formato dias-horas:minutos. #SBATCH --time 0-1:00 ## Script que se ejecuta al arrancar el trabajo ## Cargar el entorno del usuario incluyendo la funcionalidad de modules ## No tocar . /etc/profile # conda init bash # source /home/${USER}/.bashrc module load gcc/8.2.0 conda activate # por las dudas activar conda antes de correr el sbatch ## Launch program srun python /home/mlares/CBR_CrossCorr/src/run_correlation.py ../set/config_big.ini ## launch script ## $>sbatch submit_python_jobs.sh